Trade Area Information

Related Analysis


Why Perform Trade Area Analysis

Proper trade area definitions are needed to accurately select retail store or branch locations. They also provide a valuable input into targeted marketing campaigns. Without proper trade area definition, the key statistics that impact a store's performance cannot be properly measured.

Trade area analysis gives you two key pieces of intelligence to help better deploy sales and marketing resources:

1. The boundary of the trade area

2. What's inside the trade area

The ability to answer these questions will help you make decisions to perform better in the market. The results of trade area analysis are essential to making informed retail site selection and targeted marketing decisions.

Trade Area Analysis Services

Trade area analysis is a primary analytic service performed by Mapping Analytics. We have the people, experience, tools, and data required to perform sophisticated multi-site and multi-region trade area analyses.

Contact us for more information on trade area analysis.

Trade Area Analysis

trade area

Trade area definition for a proposed bank location. View map

trade area

Graph showing % of customers within various driving times from a store.
View chart.

drive time

Multiple drive times around store locations. View map.